Community Partner Spotlight

One of St. Paul’s core principles is that the Holy Spirit guides and empowers us to carry out God’s work by sharing our time, talents, and resources with others. Our church has long supported community partners who make a direct and positive difference in Fayetteville.

Please join the Outreach Committee of the Vestry to hear from some of our community partners as they discuss navigating the pandemic, share their future plans, and identify how St. Paul’s can help further their missions. 7 Hills, Magdalene House, Habitat for Humanity, CEO, and St. Martin’s will share their stories and needs as well as answer your questions at Adult Forum.

Learn how our community partners have faced eighteen months of struggle and how they are turning the page to continue God’s work in Fayetteville. The Rev. Adelyn Tyler introduces the speakers.

7 Hills & Habitat for Humanity
July 25, 2021

Community Emergency Outreach (CEO) & New Beginninngs
August 1, 2021

Magdalene Serenity House & St. Martin’s Episcopal Center at the U of A
August 8, 2021


Common Prayer


Farewell and Godspeed