Children’s Ministry

The mission of St. Paul’s Children’s Ministry is to form lifelong disciples by exploring God's love in a supportive and inclusive community.

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We want our children to know from day one that they are loved by God and our community. We also believe that children have a natural sense of spirituality and love of God. To that end, we offer programming each week that immerses our children in the stories and traditions of our faith.

We gather regularly on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings and host special children's ministry events throughout the year.

Children & Youth Personnel

Beth Maze
Director of Christian Formation

Kate Oxford Nursery

Kate Oxford

Adam Alexander
Youth Director

Children’s Ministry News

Children’s Ministry Offerings

Little Lamb

The Little Lamb Ministry walks alongside parents as they prepare to welcome a new child into their lives. Our ministry seeks to support parents both spiritually and practically.


The guiding principles for our nursery care begin with our commitment to offering loving, safe, and compassionate care. We offer nursery care for children age three and under.

Cherub Choir

Our youngest choir, for children in preschool through 1st grade, follows an abbreviated rehearsal schedule and offers a playful introduction to singing.

Children’s Chapel

Each Sunday children preschool through 2nd grade engage in child-oriented worship designed to bring their faith to life.

Children’s Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School is offered for children in pre-K through 6th grade. Children’s Sunday School is offered in the upstairs Children’s ministry wing during the Formation Hour.

Episcopal Kids Community (EKC)

Episcopal Kids Community is a special opportunity for children in 5th and 6th grade to build community and grow in faith.

Choir Club

On Wednesdays, we provide supervised activities after school until dinner is served prior to church.

Sts. Theresa, Nicholas, and Cecilia Choirs

Our children’s choirs rehearse weekly throughout the school year and provide music for worship and other special events. The choir utilizes the Royal School of Church Music.


Have you ever been interested in ringing handbells? Musical but don't want to sing? Children in grades 3-6 are invited to join on Thursdays to learn how to ring handbells.

VBS & Summer Camps

Explore upcoming summer opportunities like St. Paul’s Vacation Bible School, Interfaith Camp, Choir Camp, Camp Mitchell, and Queer Camp.

Our Values

Because of God’s love for the world…


… we encourage our children to live in right relationship with God, neighbor, and self.


… we nurture our children’s curiosity as they grow on their journey of faith.


… we teach our children to share their gifts with the world’s needs through service.


… we welcome all children into safe space and inclusive community.

Our Commitment

We are committed to creating a safe environment that protects the well-being of all children and youth who participate in activities at our parish. We have designed and implemented policies to reflect that commitment.

  St. Paul’s Formation Calendar
All ages