175th Anniversary Report


The Demisemiseptcentennial Anniversary of St. Paul’s was a wonderful time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future of our parish life. In May, we hosted four events to commemorate, starting with a Celebration Banquet on Friday, May 19, which included a formal dinner, music by Claudia Burson & Co., and an inspirational reflection by our beloved Mayor Lioneld Jordan. 

On Saturday, May 20, we walked the approximate 2 mile historic boundary of the parish, processing with stops for prayers, and concluding with a celebration of the Eucharist at St. Paul’s. Sunday, May 21, was the Jubilee which began in worship, and debuted a hymn that was commissioned in honor of our 175th anniversary. Adult Forum focused on an amazing display of images and stories of our past, and our Annual Parish Picnic ended our day with wonderful food and fellowship, various activities for all ages, and the opportunity for all to write something meaningful about St. Paul’s for our time capsule. 

The Demisemiseptcentennial Musical Celebration was held on Tuesday, May 23, our proper anniversary date. The concert featured our choir, organists, and instrumentalists. It began in the sanctuary, followed by an intermission with drinks and hors devours, and concluded in the parish hall with lovely celebratory music. 

We are grateful for our amazing staff and volunteers who made this such a wonderful and memorable event. Our parish is thriving! We are blessed to have the opportunity to reflect and celebrate, and we look forward to what the next 175 years may bring. 


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