Bassett Property Discernment Report 


The Bassett discernment Committee was created by the Vestry to explore the best use of our properties known as the “Bassett Buildings” in the spring of 2023. Over the past 9 months the group has met monthly for discussion and conversations with members of the congregation.

Two prominent themes that have emerged in the contemplation of how to proceed with our newly acquired properties: use for support of St. Paul’s programs and outreach, and/or commercial development to generate revenue for support of the church and mission. While these are not mutually exclusive goals they do spring from two differing visions as reflected in the comments generated by surveys of the congregation. 

One viewpoint looks to a master plan for development engaging the entire site and working with an outside entity to execute the project and contribute capital. The other is to occupy the Bassett buildings when they become available to relieve crowding of the current facility and proceed incrementally. Of note (and relief), the Committee has not encountered any resistance to ownership of the buildings. The decision to purchase was made quickly and under the constraints of the pandemic.

A recurring suggestion in the surveys is the need to conduct a community needs assessment. With many community improvement initiatives underway in Fayetteville, taking measure of the social landscape is required to establish parish priorities for outreach. Likewise any commercial endeavors also require assessment, but a take away from the surveys is that mission should lead development, not the other way around.

The Committee supports retiring the debt to allow flexibility in use of the buildings and options for future development. It will also allow for a more gradual path forward.

  • Plan a capital campaign that includes discharge of the Bassett debt

  • Conduct a community needs assessment including commercial potential

  • Continue exploring the congregation’s priorities and appetite for outreach and mission.

  • Continue site assessment for development potential

The Committee recommends adoption of a time table with milestones to ensure accountability. Possible way points suggested are:

  • 5/1/24, determine elements of a capital campaign including discharging Bassett debt

  • 7/1/24, complete and compile determination of congregational priorities

  • 9/1/24, commence campaign

  • 1/1/25, complete community needs assessment

  • 1/1/25, complete site assessment to determine upper bounds of potential development

  • 6/1/25, planning for immediate building use on expiration of existing lease

St. Paul’s has acted as an outreach incubator for the NWA region with our fingerprints on Magdalene Serenity House, 7 Hills, and Community Clinic. Now we have the opportunity to hatch the plan here, for our own grounds. We will live in it, not just hear about it. We will walk through it, not just drive by. It’s our future and a lasting contribution to the Kingdom.


NWACCC Eucharist Report