Counting The Days

A Creative Retreat with Lisa Thorpe

During Lent, let us find concrete ways to overcome our indifference.

— Pope Francis

Join us

Saturday, February 18, 2023
11:00 am - 2:30 pm
Adults and teens

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church,
Fayetteville, AR

$30 includes all the materials needed to make Lenten Cards & lunch

How to pay:

  • Mail or deliver a check to St. Paul’s. Please include “Formation” in the memo line.

  • Tap here to pay by credit card online through our online giving platform. Please be sure to select the “Formation” fund from the dropdown menu.

The three traditional practices to be taken up with renewed vigor during Lent are prayer (justice towards God), fasting (justice towards self), and almsgiving (justice towards neighbors).

Join artist and teacher Lisa Thorpe in a day of meditation, movement, writing and making in preparation for Lent. We will reflect on the three practices and, as Pope Francis suggests, find ways to make that practice concrete. Each person will make a deck of Lenten cards to count the days of Lent. Like its familiar counting cousin, the Advent calendar, these cards will be used to mark the 40 days of Lent. Instead of the candy or treats of the Advent calendar, your Lenten cards will challenge you each day to make the three practice of Lent concrete. 

This workshop is for all—no art experience necessary, just an open heart and mind! Our Lenten Cards will be made as torn paper collage an accessible technique that is designed for all levels from those with art-phobia to those art-phonemes in our midst, come and enjoy.


About Lisa Thorpe

Lisa Thorpe is an artist and retreat leader based in Little Rock and calls Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock her home.  She has been making art and teaching to all ages for 30 years and loves merging art, spirit and community.

Find out more about Lisa at her website: