Lent at St. Paul’s
Shrove Tuesday Festival
Tuesday, March 4
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Join us on March 4 as we celebrate Shrove Tuesday. Festivities include a pancake supper, gumbo cook-off, live music, and more.
Ash Wednesday Services
Wednesday, March 5
7:30 am • 12:00 pm • 7:00 pm in the church 6:00 pm in the parish hall
On Ash Wednesday, we gather together as the people of God to remember our mortal nature and to seek God’s forgiveness.
Lenten Evensong Series
Sundays in Lent
5:30 pm
Join us at St. Paul’s for Evensong every Sunday during Lent. This beautiful service of music, prayer, and reflection is open to all, and we invite you to experience it as part of your Lenten journey.
Stations of the Cross
Fridays in Lent
5:30 pm
This devotion invites us to walk with Christ through His final hours, reflecting on His sacrifice and love for us. The service will be followed by Evening Prayer. All are welcome to join in this Lenten tradition.
Soup & Sermon: A Community Lenten Engagement
Tuesdays in Lent
12:00 pm • St. Paul’s, Central UMC, and First Christian Church
Central UMC, St. Paul’s, and First Christian Church are hosting a series of sermons and soup lunches during Lent. Make plans to join us on Tuesdays at 12:00 pm, and invite your friends! Follow the link for the schedule.
Ancient Roots
Tuesdays in Lent
6:00 pm
Ancient Roots, a contemplative service of chant, silence, and breaking of the bread, takes place on Tuesdays during Lent.

Holy Week & Easter Day
April 13 - 20, 2025
Palm Sunday Procession & Worship
Sunday, April 13
8:30 & 11:00 am • Outdoor Procession
7:30, 8:45, 11:00 am • Worship
We will meet outside the Welcome Center and start the procession at 8:30 am and at 11:00 am. Join us!
Journey with Jesus: Stations of the Cross Presentation
Palm Sunday, March 24
10:00 am, Church
The children of St. Paul’s invite you to a dramatized version of the Stations of the Cross in the church. All are invited to attend the performance. This will be our primary offering during the formation hour on Palm Sunday.
Easter Candy Donations
Help us stuff our eggs full of treats for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. To contribute, bring bags of individually wrapped candy to the church office by Sunday, April 13.
Community Meals Foot Washing
Wednesday, April 16
11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Parish Hall
On Wednesday in Holy Week, we will again offer a warm spa foot-washing ministry for Community Meals guests. We are collecting donations of socks for all people and would love more volunteers to join us. Socks can be brought to the church office. Please contact Sara if you wish to volunteer.
Good Friday Liturgy
Friday, April 18
12:00 pm, Church
On Good Friday, we remember Jesus’ crucifixion. The service includes the passion as written in John’s gospel and praying of the solemn collects. Through his death, Jesus destroyed death.
Good Friday Concert
Friday, April 18
7:00 pm, Church
Join The St. Paul Choir for our annual Good Friday concert, featuring The Seven Last Words of Christ by Theodore Dubois.
Holy Saturday Liturgy
Saturday, April 19
8:30 am
The Holy Saturday service allows us to sit in the tomb with Jesus. In dim light and with moments of silence, we rest in the reality and solemnity of death. Your grief is welcome here. Jesus wept too.
Festive Brunch Casseroles
Pick up pans & recipes in the bookstore
You are invited to help cook for our festive brunch, which follows Easter Vigil. Foil baking pans and recipes for Easter casseroles are available for pick up in the bookstore. Please read instructions for delivery and proper food handling. Check the recipe card for more details.
Easter Vigil
Saturday, April 19
8:00 pm
with Festive Brunch to follow
After sundown on Saturday but before sunrise on Sunday, we engage the ancient practice of the Great Vigil. Beginning in the darkness of the tomb, reading from our history, and baptizing new members into the body of Christ all lead us to the celebration of Jesus’ glorious resurrection. A festive brunch follows in the parish hall.
There will be incense at this service.
Easter Day Worship
Sunday, April 20
7:30, 8:45, & 11:00 am Worship
Knowing the power of everlasting life, we gather as the body of Christ and celebrate with joy the day of Jesus’ resurrection.
At the 8:45 & 11:00 services, additional seating & Communion distribution are available in Parish Hall.
There will be incense at the 11:00 service.
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 20
10:00 am
Children of all ages are invited to bring their Easter basket and join us for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Day. We will meet at 10:00 am in the Parish Hall.