What’s your river?

AM Psalm 85, 87 • PM Psalm 136
Joshua 3:14 - 4:7 • Eph. 5:1-20 • John 9:1-12,35-38

I thought this question was a good place for us to start our time together this morning. Seems the Israelites are always finding themselves facing an obstacle in their quest for “the promised land.” Twice it has been a body of water; the most well-known was the Red Sea. The crossing of the Jordan in today’s readings is, all things considered, relatively minor compared to the Red Sea and the many other hurdles they had to overcome. Chief among them was their continual recalcitrance in doing God’s will.

The Israelites are constantly finding themselves in a jam with God. They are “stiff necked” and repeatedly making a mess of their relationship with the Almighty. It’s a vicious circle: tick God off then reform/repent/redirect. Over and over again! The Old Testament is filled with records of their struggles. I hate to admit it, but I find myself virtually shaking my finger at them and asking, “can’t you just behave?” I feel like Jeremiah. Well, it’s time I got off my high horse and left my stones in their bag. I cannot throw any today.

When I started preparing this Refection, the plight of the Hebrews became more than just a series of stories that I know so well. I found I needed to do some serious “reflection” on my own life. It is as if God slapped me in the back of the head to get my attention. I dove into the Old Testament in an effort to more fully hear. When I really listened to the message without bringing to bear my own judgment of the Hebrews, it was clear that those “stories” were there to highlight my own flaws in my relationship with God and let me know that God is always ready, willing and able to forgive me. I’m not that much better than the Israelites with respect to grumbling, disobeying, and testing God. I needed this Reflection to remind me of my own failings. Like the blind man in today’s Gospel, I needed once again to receive my sight. “Lord, help me see the things that are preventing me from having a full, meaningful relationship with you. Help me see clearly the promised land.”

What are my rivers? There are quite a few. It’s good to know, however, that God will part the waters and help me get to the other side. I’ve already seen this happen many times in my life. God’s mercy is always freely given even though I am not deserving. As the Psalmist noted repeatedly today, “His love endures forever.”

May we be willing and may God part all our rivers and give us the clarity we need to see the promised land.

Written by Dennis McKinnie

Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.
Ephesians 5:14




Giving Grace