The Catalyst of a Matriarch

Psalm 103 • Psalm 114, 115
Isa. 52:3-6 • Rev. 2:1-7 • John 2:1-11

In our Gospel reading today, Jesus performs his first miracle. We are reminded of this every time someone gets married. This is a fun story to unpack, with many relationship dynamics coming out in the text. Mary obviously knows Jesus can do something miraculous, and urges him to do so. He rebukes his mother (very bold), but she knows he will do what she has asked.

I would like to share what this passage reminds me of every time. There have been many times in my life where I did not feel ready to begin my mission. The goal was ambitious and felt risky. I have had amazing women in my life, my wife, my mother, and several mentors who have pushed me knowing what I was capable of in spite of myself. They are there for me when I stumble or doubt, they get my focus off of my anxiety and selfishness and ego and put it back on my hopes and dreams and talents. The challenge for me was (and is) to listen and learn and have the faith to trust them and take the leap. Every time, when I have accomplished the goal and am reflecting on the journey, I realize that without the insistent encouragement and love of the matriarchs in my life I would not be where I am today. I have recognized this as God’s spirit of wisdom in my life.

This gives me a wonderfully human connection to Jesus. I know the feeling when a matriarch says “perform a miracle.” I know what it feels like to say “but I’m not ready.” And I know the joy of the wedding feast and the fulfillment of the mission. These are all blessings for which I am truly grateful. These matriarchs come in all forms, and they are one of God’s greatest gifts.

Written by Dan Robinson

Dan Robinson is the Director of Media Ministries at St Paul’s, streaming the services online.


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