Now I Lay Me Down

AM Psalm 1, 2, 3 • PM Psalm 4, 7
Gen. 2:4-9(10-15)16-25 • Heb. 1:1-14 • John 1:1-18

A few verses from the psalms caught my attention in terms of sleep:

I lie down and go to sleep;
I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.

When I call upon the Lord, he hears me.
Tremble, then, (with anger or anxiety) and do not sin;
Speak to your heart in silence upon your bed.

I lie down in peace; at once I fall asleep;
For only you, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

I’m taking those verses to work on my bed-time prayer:

I’m lying down in bed
I’m resting here in peace
God, it’s you who keeps me safe
(Inhale, Exhale)
I’m going to go to sleep.

Oh, I’m awake again!
Still safe here in my bed.
God, thank you, you kept me safe,
Just as to my heart you said.

Written by Troy Schremmer

Troy works with preschool age children as an enrichment teacher in music and movement. He volunteers as a teacher-helper in Children’s Sunday School.


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