Trust and Hope

AM Psalm 20, 21:1-7(8-14) • PM Psalm 110:1-5(6-7), 116, 117
Gen. 6:9-22 • Heb. 4:1-13 • John 2:13-22

How different this Noah story is from the one we cherish as children. As children we learn that Noah listens to God and builds an ark for himself and his family, bringing all the creatures two by two into the ark. As adults, we learn a bit more of the story and that God is destroying everything, sans Noah, his family, and two of each species, male and female. It’s not easy to read.

Noah’s God and what I experience in community at St. Paul’s, are quite different. I am drawn to St. Paul’s each week because I experience love, acceptance, and grace. I witness this being extended to others, in the many ministries of our beloved church.

What is to be learned from this ancient text and how does one reconcile this dualistic God? This story tells of a good man, that is obedient, following each instruction God sets before him to build the ark. According to scholars, Noah is not a young man and takes on this monumental task, which obviously doesn’t happen overnight. We learn about trust in that which cannot be understood.

This is a story about listening for God, perseverance, trust, and hope in new beginnings.

Written by Susie Norys

Wife, mom, and early childhood advocate. Listening for God and hoping for a beloved community in 2022.


In Vino Veritas


Before the Flood