Like A Rock

AM Psalm 66. 67 • Ezekiel 3:4-11 • Acts 10:34-44
PM Psalm 118 • Ezekiel 34:11-16 • John 21:15-22

Today’s feast recalls when Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Simon suddenly declared “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah!” Jesus declares. And Jesus renames Simon “Peter.” To transliterate into English, it would be “Rocky.” Jesus continues, “And on this rock I will build my church.” (That’s in Matthew 16:13-19, today’s Eucharistic reading.)

I’ve long thought the disciples probably snickered in the background. Calling Simon Rocky is a little like calling the fattest kid on the playground Slim. Impulsive Peter got in over his head a few times.

Remember the night of Jesus’ betrayal and arrest. Peter got close enough to spy, but when he was challenged -- “You know him! You’re one of them!” -- he denied it. Three times. There is a poignant moment as the cock crows, and Jesus glances at Peter. Knowingly. Imagine the guilt. That critical night, Peter is no rock.

I wonder what went through Peter’s heart and mind in this resurrection moment we read of in John 21, when Jesus turns his glance on Peter once more and asks, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” The impetuous Peter answers truly, from his heart. “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” And Jesus commissions him to feed his lambs.” Then Jesus repeats the question. And Peter answers the same, and is commissioned to tend his lambs.

Then the third question. “Do you love me?” That hurts. Peter recalls the three denials. But he tells the truth from his heart, and for the third time he claims his love for Jesus. Probably shuddering, with tears flowing. And Jesus gives him a mission that will require a lifetime of steadfast purpose and courage: to become the Rock on which the church will be founded.

Note: The Rock of the Church’s foundation includes our willingness to face our shame and failure, and to receive forgiveness and start again. Strong like a Rock.

Written by Lowell Grisham

Lowell Grisham is so proud of the faithfulness and energy of St. Paul’s during this pandemic. Strong like a Rock.


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