Laundry Lists

AM Psalm 66, 67 • Ezekiel 3:4-11 • Acts 10:34-44
PM Psalm 118 • Ezekiel 34:11-16 • John 21:15-22

The simplicity of Psalm 67 is a comfort.

To put it succinctly: May God be good to us and may we respond with praise.

I invite you this morning to take a moment and think of the ways that God has blessed you in this season of life. Perhaps even write down a short list. Science shows that practicing gratitude has positive impacts on our brain chemistry, happiness, and overall lifestyle satisfaction. What thanks do you have to offer to God?

I have a friend who shares a lengthy list each day on social media of the things for which he is grateful. The things he chooses to include are always surprising. It’s not the big things in life, which we know we ought to name. But the little things which he draws attention to.

In his fashion, here is my list for today… I invite you to make and share yours as well…

The scent of a soap that brings memories to mind, postage stamps, cheerios crunching under my shoes, sitting in the car as the ice on my windshield melts, flowers, sore shoulders, cleaning out the spill in my lunchbox, quiet hallways, and ringing phones.

I thank God for each of these things, how they represent the gifts God has given me, and the fullness they bring to my life.

Written by Samantha Clare

Samantha is working on reclaiming a posture of prayerful study now that newborns are babies.


Increasing and Decreasing


In Vino Veritas