The Whole Armor of God

AM Psalm 30, 32 • PM Psalm 42, 43
Isa. 46:1-13 • Eph. 6:10-24 • Mark 5:1-20

In the readings for today, I found a familiar companion. When I was a member of Christ Church, Greenville, SC, a group of us established a chapter of the Order of St. Luke. This is an organization dedicated to the ministry of healing. Before each healing service we would pray Ephesians 6:10 – 17. For the task ahead of us we knew we might need some very powerful help and protection.

  • The belt of truth – honesty, no hidden agendas

  • Breastplate of righteousness – protection and staying on the right path

  • Shoes of the gospel of peace – God’s peace be with us

  • Shield of faith – to deflect all that is not of God

  • Helmet of salvation – be saved as one of Christ’s own beloved children

  • Sword of the Spirit – wisdom of the word of God

(These were the definitions our Chapter developed.)

So, do I still need the whole armor of God? I’m not dealing with an unclean spirit whose name is Legion and I’m not sending any demons into pigs. (Mark 5:1-20) I’m not even involved in a healing ministry now. But maybe I am still in need of the Armor of God?

There are some things that keep me from being who God sees me to be. I am fearful – and fear full – about my health and that of those I love, of not doing a good enough job, of messing up, and more. Sometimes I’m depressed – it isn’t ever going to get better (whatever “it” is). Anxiety – What if? What if? What if?

But if I put on the whole armor – I have nothing to fear – God is with me. I am protected no matter what the world throws at me. I am loved – no matter if I mess up. With God it does get better. Peace, protection, guidance, and wisdom are all there for me in that armor.

Yes, I do still need the whole armor of God and I need to remember it is available to me! Maybe you need it too.

Written by Jacqui Brandli

Still learning what it means to be a child of God.


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