The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, or How Simeon Teaches Me How to See

AM Psalm 42, 43 • 1 Samuel 2:1-10 • John 8:31-36
PM Psalm 48, 87 • Haggai 2:1-9 • 1 John 3:1-8

One of my favorite things about a Baptism Sunday is that I often forget there is going to be a baptism. I come to church, settle into my pew, silence my phone, open my bulletin, and am surprised (pleasantly) that my morning worship is going to look different than expected.

And then, as a family approaches to present their child for baptism, I witness the church do what it does best. We dive in. We are asked if we will uphold this person in their life with Christ and to that we enthusiastically respond, without reservation, “We will!”

We don’t stop to ask the family about their attendance record or which ministries they’re involved in. We don’t inquire about their lineage and how they’re “related” to the church. We simply get on board. We gaze in wonder at an infant’s surprise when water suddenly touches her head. We applaud when we welcome the newly baptized at the altar. We collectively commit to this holy process and it’s not every Sunday we do so with such gusto.

The day that Jesus’ family presented him in the Temple for his naming and circumcision, Simeon got on board too. He was ready to see the Messiah and so he did. In honor of the Feast of the Presentation, let us be like Simeon today; ready to see, ready to welcome, ready to celebrate Christ’s presence among us.

Written by Emma Mitchell

Emma is the Youth Minister at St. Paul’s. She loves that today’s date is 2-2-22.


A Difficult Teaching


For God alone my soul in silence waits