
AM Psalm 75, 76 • PM Psalm 23, 27
Gen. 24:28-38,49-51 • Heb. 12:12-29 • John 7:14-36

I have always been a rule follower, which generally is a good thing in medicine and the military. I may think the rules are stupid sometimes, yet I rarely challenge them. The Gospel reading for today is a good reminder that rules should evolve and some rules need to be challenged. Jesus was the ultimate rebel, challenging almost everything the Jews believed and the rules they followed.

Jesus healed someone on the Sabbath even though that violated the current rules and customs. Jesus had to break the rules to do something good. Sometimes we are called to do the same. Our humanity makes our decisions imperfect, but a life of prayer helps us discern God’s decisions from our own. A few weeks ago I heard a sermon about God calling us to be holy troublemakers. A life in Christ is radical and God calls us to challenge the status quo of society around us. Following Christ makes us different and often leads to us being judged by others. It is so easy to draw support from the world around us instead of God, but in the end this support falls short. God calls us to do big, hard things. He calls us to challenge the injustice in the world around us and the outdated rules. He calls us to be ever-evolving in our understanding and critical of tradition. We are called to be rebels and to live our lives radically for God. This can be as simple as a morning routine, but I urge you to be open to the big things God calls you to do.

Written by Hadley Thomas

Hadley graduated from the Colorado School of Mines with a biochemistry degree and is in her first year of medical school at the Uniformed Services University. She was commissioned as an Ensign in the U.S. Navy prior to starting medical school. She is passionate about her faith and is excited to share her perspective and interpretations with the amazing congregation of Saint Paul’s.


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