The Only Reason We Can Stand

AM Psalm [83] or 146, 147 • PM Psalm 85, 86
Isa. 60:1-17 • 2 Tim. 2:14-26 • Mark 10:17-31

In Psalm 85:10 we find these words, “Graciousness and truth have met together…”

Are there any words that better describe Jesus?

In Jesus, we find the marriage of two things that so often seem at odds: justice and mercy. It seems many times in our mortal understanding of this world that mercy would like to rob justice. At least it sure feels that way when we feel wronged or see someone “get away with something,” so clearly, not right. But in Jesus, we do not find a thief, not a robber, but someone who sees more clearly than we do. In Jesus, we find a better vantage point.

Jesus’s vantage point can seem beyond our comprehension at times. Bewildering. Frustrating. Infuriating. But when we stop to reconcile justice and mercy in our own lives, we realize there is always more to the story. More than what appears to the outside viewer. In ourselves, we have access to a vantage point few others have. Thank God for this vantage point. Thank God for Jesus.

It can be easy to rush to judgement. To feel vindicated by the truth, and more, willing to let truth rain down like fiery brimstones or bolts of lightning on the heads of those found wanting. But thank God, that in Jesus, “Righteousness and peace have kissed each other” (Psalm 85:10). Thank God, in Jesus, our imperfection is covered by His perfection. Our “youthful lusts” as Paul says, are covered in righteousness by God Himself. Thank God, that in Jesus, we can be made a fresh. In Jesus, we can become new creatures. Ones able to stand in the face of almighty truth.

May Jesus remake us all.

God love you.

Written by Jonathan Wright

Jonathan is a native of Atlanta, GA and a relatively new member of St. Paul’s. He moved to the parish from the Cathedral Church of Saint Mark in Salt Lake City, UT where he became an Episcopalian.


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