When our children ask us...

AM Psalm 26, 28 • PM Psalm 36, 39
Deut. 6:16-25 • Heb 2:1-10 • John 1:19-28

What will we tell our children when the time comes? What is the story of our people? I love the reading from Deuteronomy today. It is a reminder of the importance of passing along our history and our tradition to the next generation. For the Jewish people who wrote and who read Deuteronomy it, in part, means recounting the story of Exodus. Their experience of oppression in Egypt under Pharaoh and their liberation and movement towards freedom with Moses. As Christians, this is a part of our story as well. We too are responsible for telling our children the narrative of our faith tradition, not only in church and in Sunday school but also in our homes.

And also, what is the story of our people, those who live in this time in this country with our cultural context? What will we tell our children when the time comes for them to ask us about this election cycle? What will we tell our children about living through a global pandemic? When they ask about the plague of racism in America in our time? About the exploitation of the poor or the dehumanization of the foreigner that we live alongside?

What is our role in the story of today? What kind of ancestors will we be? Will we have stories of love, of striving for liberation and making real God’s kingdom on earth? What will we tell our children when the time comes?

Written by Samantha Clare

Samantha Clare loves Jesus, fresh cut flowers, and baby snuggles.


Thoughts for Lent


Houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant.