Restore us!

AM Psalm 106:1-18 • PM Psalm 106:19-48
Prov. 3:11-20 • 1 John 3:18-4:6 • John 11:17-29

I must admit that the pleas for the restoration of Israel in this morning’s Psalm resonate with and challenge me deeply. I am not a person living in exile. The place that I call home remains my own. And yet, there is a longing for a return.

Over the past two years, I have at times prayed for the ability to reestablish my life as it was before the pandemic began. I know I am not alone in my desire for what used to be and is not now or may not ever again be normal. When framed this way hope for restoration seems an act of sheer folly.

Perhaps it might be more helpful to think of restoration in terms of a return to health. Restore us! Make us well. Make us like new. When I dwell with this understanding of restoration it gives me hope for the future. While I might not believe that I can return to what once was, I can believe I might be made well.

Instead of asking myself what I can do to make things feel normal, I should be asking myself what I can do to make me feel healthy. What will give me new life? I invite you to join me in this wondering.

Written by Samantha Clare

Samantha delights in the simplicity of a quiet morning, a cup of coffee, and a moment in the presence of God.


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