The Hike in Markham Woods

AM Psalm 50 • PM Psalm [59, 60] or 19, 46
Deut. 9:23-10:5 • Heb: 4:1-10 • John 3:16-21

Just recently, because someone said I need more exercise, I took a walk with a friend on Markham Hill. My friend had a tall walking stick and was soon far ahead of me. I may need exercise, but I had been walking around the block every day. “You will sleep better and other falsehoods” were in my head. But as we started out it was not long before something about it reminded me of Girl Scouts and getting lost.

I trudged on not enjoying the brisk air or the view but having to choose my steps carefully to avoid the mud and rocks and roots. I took note of the accent of the farmer, from whom we asked directions, who said, “ye can come into my field if my cow “something something.” I asked my friend, “What did he say about caps?” as we turned away. “His cow is having a calf.”

We went on and came to a sign we could not account for, given the name of the trail we had started on. Getting lost is never fun. I feel alarmed and want to be safe. I get farther and farther behind.

I have always been nearsighted. That means I look inward for how to make my way. If birdsong is innate in songbirds, the urge to write and hold something close inside seems to be innate in me. So, at this moment, Psalm 46 would have been a good text. I shall try to remember it next time. (It can be translated in such a way as to be sheer poetry).

God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though
the earth should change,
though the mountains shake in
the heart of the sea;
There is a river whose streams make
glad the city of God...

Written by Rebecca Newth

Rebecca Newth wishes, as another writer of Morning Reflections has said, that God offer us love and grace daily.


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