A Prayer for Goodness

AM Psalm 26, 28 • PM Psalm 36, 39
Prov. 30:1-4,24-33 • Phil. 3:1-11 • John 18:28-38

“Sin speaks to the wicked man in his heart…” it finds a friendly abode in the minds of those with ill intent and stokes the flames of hatred. It will lie, it will seduce, it will manipulate so that discord and destruction may reign. Absent of love, “the words of his mouth are empty and false; he has ceased to understand how to do good.”

But O Lord, you are good and forgiving and wish to see love among your children. “Your kindness reaches to heaven…your justice is like the mountains of God; your judgments, like the mighty deep.” You are always with me as with everyone in this world. Let not hatred stamp out kindness nor evil erase goodness. “Let not the foot of the proud overtake me, nor the hand of the wicket disquiet me.” For I shall be nothing but an extension of your love and kindness towards all. Guide me along the path of love and give me strength to shepherd the world towards you My God.

Hear me O Lord, O my Rock, and bring me closer to you and your children. For I wish not to be dragged away with the wicked, “with those who do wrong, who speak civilly to their neighbors though evil is in their hearts.” I wish not to be tempted by evil, hearing its sweet and charming words that fracture our home and discard our most vulnerable. Be with me and with all who do good, be the strength of your people, “save your people, and bless your inheritance; feed them, and carry them forever!”

I pray to you O Lord for your unending love and grace,

So that we may do your works here on Earth.

Written by Danica Hawthorne

Danica enjoys the few moments before services begin, resting in the calming atmosphere of the church and hearing the footsteps of families and friends joining the room. She has recently started working at EOA Children’s Services and hopes to make a positive impact on the community in Northwest Arkansas through work, volunteering, and good actions.


Life in a Time Like This


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