There's a Whole Lotta Judgement Goin' On

AM Psalm 95* & 69:1-23(24-30)31-38 • PM Psalm 73
Jer. 5:1-9 • Rom. 2:25-3:18 • John 5:30-47

* for the Invitatory

Our reading from Jeremiah begins with urgency, with God asking to search and “find one person who acts justly or seeks truth.” We learn that the people are hypocrites, saying one thing but breaking God’s laws. Judgement for the people of Judah is clear in the statement “How can I pardon you?”

In our next reading, Paul is speaking directly to the Jews and is calling them out for being hypocrites that preach right from wrong, but not practicing what they preach. He is blunt and not afraid to get to the heart of the matter. “Circumcision indeed is of value if you obey the law; but if you break the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.”

And finally, Jesus’ frustration is palpable in our Gospel reading. Jesus is denounced because he has been observed healing the sick on the Sabbath. He clearly rebukes and points out the hypocrisy of his judges as He testifies on his own behalf of the many ways God has told of his forthcoming.

I can’t help but think about outward signs of piety, especially during the Lenten season when many of us are sacrificing something to grow spiritually. These traditions and rituals matter, but these passages remind me, that ultimately, God knows my heart and calls me to be my authentic self.

Written by Susie Norys

Wife, educator, and Mom of 2 grown kids and 3 dogs. Trying my best to listen for God and to love my neighbor.


Sometimes a Tough Sell


Being Taught and Being Tested