What Is Your Soul Food?

AM Psalm 56, 57, [58] • PM Psalm 64, 65
Jer. 1:11-19 • Rom. 1:1-15 • John 4:27-42

In our gospel reading today, Jesus has just broken significant societal norms by speaking to a Samaritan woman at the well. He has just made an impact that he knows will ripple to her whole community.

Jesus, consumed with the work, does not even take time to eat. His disciples take notice, and encourage him to eat. He replies, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to complete his work.”.

I have the pleasure of living in a creative space most of the time. I love creating or hearing about creative ideas, then taking the steps to make them a reality. Starting the first steps of the process knowing the potential result and impact can be inspiring and all-consuming. Developing that idea collaboratively with the blessing of the gifts others have been given is miraculous. When I’m in that creative space, a whole day can go by and then I realize “I’ve forgotten to eat”. It takes its toll, but being in that space is where I feel God working as individual people come together to create something unique and impactful. It is food for my soul.

When I have moments of frustration or doubt, I remember the things I’ve been blessed to complete, (I eat a snack) and then re-focus on the goal and the inspiration it provides. It is not an instantly-gratifying process, it takes patience and persistence, and a willingness to allow my perspective to change with the process. God leads us in mysterious ways.

We all have our unique calling, and the things that inspire us are often the work God has put us here to do. Knowing the things that feed your soul can help you re-fuel and re-focus. I believe we have the opportunity to see the Holy Spirit work in that space every day.

Written by Dan Robinson

Dan Robinson is the Media Ministries specialist at St. Paul’s, overseeing the streaming of services online.


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