No Judgement

AM Psalm 95* for the invitatory & 69:1-23(24-30)31-38 • PM Psalm 73
Jer. 5:1-9 • Rom. 2:25-3:18 • John 5:30-47

Coming back home to Washington has been a wonderful experience. The air smells of salt water, evergreens cover the mountains, and most people don’t really judge what you do. From grocery stores to public transportation, everyone seems fairly laid back, enjoying the world around them silently and mostly keeping to themselves. It sounds isolating and bleak, but I thrive in this environment. I’m not having to worry about small talk or what I’m wearing, I am not facing onlookers and judgement as much as I was down South.

I understand how that’s been though, especially when a good portion of the population is fairly traditional with certain expectations. They are part of the local culture, and they are able to pass judgement on anyone who looks different. Isn’t that isolating? Being someone who is so judgemental that you are not only excluding people, but deciding what’s correct and what isn’t?

Reading the passages for today I can understand the importance of not passing judgement. It’s not necessarily about being progressive or receptive. It’s keeping one from imposing their worldview, preventing one from straying from God’s view into their own. We as humans cannot pass judgement because we individually cannot impose God’s law. We can follow His law and His teachings to better ourselves and our community, but we cannot individually be the arbiters and judges.

If you’re ever in the Pacific Northwest feel free to reach out and I’d be happy to give a tour of rainy Seattle. I promise I won’t judge if you use an umbrella.

Written by Danica Hawthorne

Danica is settled in back in her hometown of Tacoma, WA. She now works at as outreach coordinator through a local non profit, advocating for housing, mental health, and food based community resources.


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