A Tale of Two Crowds

AM Psalm 80 • PM Psalm 77, [79]
Jer. 7:1-15 • Rom. 4:1-12 • John 7:14-36

I imagine I’m part of a crowd, trying to listen, while Jeremiah rails about how bad we are, and the consequences of our sinful ways. I imagine he’s angry, wild-eyed, critical, threatening. If you don’t shape up, I’m going to destroy the temple, just like I destroyed the temple at Shiloh.

It’s hard for me to truly listen when someone speaks in that bullying, threatening, tone of voice. My energy goes to defending myself, or dismissing what he’s saying. The inner eye roll. My heart and my mind close. I just want him to be quiet.

Switch settings. Now I’m in the crowd listening to Jesus teach at the festival of Booths. I’m confused. He says such strange things. “The one who sent me is true, and you do not know him. I know him because I am from him.” “You will search for me, but you will not find me; and where I am, you cannot come.” Huh? This makes no sense. Jesus speaks with confidence, and he opposes the authorities who think he has broken the law by healing on the sabbath. He is risking his life by speaking what he knows.

Murmurs in the crowd: “Is he the Messiah? He is a good man. No, he’s deceiving the crowd. He has a demon.” People talk about killing him. I don’t understand any of this. I am in the midst of uncertainty and opposing ideas. And I am captivated; I am drawn in; I want to know more. I imagine that what draws me in is his presence, a mixture of kindness, and firmness, and fearlessness. Even if I don’t understand what he is saying, I want to hear more of it, I want more of what he has. His eyes – the steadiness, clarity, and compassion in his gaze! And my heart cracks open, it’s tentative, it’s shaky, not sure what it’s opening to. But it’s opening. This is a life-changer.

Written by Cathy Campbell

A parishioner who sings in the choir, and loves writing Morning Reflections.


Prepared for the Spirit


“Where, Then, Is Boasting”