Job Posting: Disciple of Jesus

AM Psalm 56, 57, [58] • PM Psalm 64, 65
Gen. 41:46-57 • 1 Cor. 4:8-20(21) • Mark 3:7-19a

In our Gospel passage from Mark, we learn about Jesus appointing his twelve apostles. The apostles are “to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority to cast out demons” (Mark 3:14,15). Reading this brief description of the work of the apostles makes me think about the job posting we might see for such a calling.

The requirements are minimal. Jesus calls an unlikely bunch together for this purpose. No need for higher education, special trainings, or unique skills. The position is weighty. It asks for proclamation of a controversial message—a message that is life giving, life altering, and potentially life risking in the face of the empire. With the job comes both the authority and responsibility to cast out demons and perhaps perform other miracles. Potentially the most significant part of the job is to be with Jesus, to journey with him, to be companions in the way, to be fully present. The exact tasks will vary from disciple to disciple, but the presence with Jesus is essential.

The job of a disciple of Jesus is not easy and in fact can require challenging sacrifices, but I am still encouraged by the thought of this job description. I’m glad that we do not need special skills or qualification to be disciples and followers. Believing in the Good News of Jesus is enough. Sharing that message in our words and deeds is enough. And being present to Jesus on the journey is enough.

Go ahead and apply! Truth is, you’ve already been accepted—exactly as you are right here and right now.

Written by the Rev. Adelyn Tyler

Only about a year ago, Adelyn was spending lots of time reading job postings, when she received one from a church in Arkansas. Now a little over 8 months into this call, she delights in getting to respond to God’s call through outreach, campus ministry, pastoral care, and worship.


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