This Little Light
AM Psalm [70], 71 • PM Psalm 74
Gen. 42:29-38 • 1 Cor. 6:12-20 • Mark 4:21-34
“With many such parables he spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it; he did not speak to them except in parables, but he explained everything in private to his disciples.”
Why parables? Why didn’t Jesus just “open” with a parable, then clarify his message with further elaboration? I wonder if the disciples appreciated the “insider explanation” that they received? Today’s reading from Mark includes three parables, including that of the unnecessarily obfuscated lamp.
To my ears, the first concern is the danger of placing a lighted flame under a woven basket or under a bed—wouldn’t this be a fire hazard!? Only after putting aside my initial fear-full interpretation can I get to the message of “shining my light” to aid others.
From there, my mind jumps to the children’s hymn, “This Little Light of Mine…” which is certainly a crowd-pleaser when sung by a group of cherubic preschoolers. (And if you want to explore this tune further, I highly recommend Odetta’s version, which can be found below.)
So, in summary, this reflection is a manifestation of my thinking process: Hmmm. Parables. I wonder why Jesus taught using parables. Lamp under a basket—oh no! But wait, “take it out and let it be a light for others” (thank you, Matthew). Hey, that reminds me of a song… now all I can hear is that song! Resolution: Don’t hide your talents, but rather put them to use in helping others and to glorify your Creator who bestowed them upon you. AMEN.
Written by Shannon Dillard Mitchell
...whose rambling mind often hijacks her ability to write on deadline, and who greatly appreciates your patience and understanding.