Very Truly, I Tell You, Everyone Who Commits Sin is a Slave to Sin.

AM Psalm 95* for the invitatory & 88 • PM Psalm 91, 92
Jer. 11:1-8,14-20 • Rom. 6:1-11 • John 8:33-47

A slave is a person who is one directly controlled by another. This is a definition of slave. Directly controlled by another. During this time of Lent we call to mind our sins and are penitent for them. We need to also examine what it is in our lives that leads us into sin. What is it that we are controlled by? What is it that causes us to be a slave to sin?

Sin is the separation of God. If there is a sin that pulls us away from God and puts us in a position that there is less of God in our souls and more of that which we are a slave to, then there is a problem. We can work to remove that sin through repentance. One of the meanings of repentance is to turn in a different direction. Turn in a different direction away from our sin and back toward God.

One way especially during Lent to helps us move away from sin and turn back to God is “The Ignatian Examen” found on or . The Ignatian Examen daily prayer is a way to reflect on the day and look to do better tomorrow.

Our psalm 91 for Evening Prayer today says, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, * abides under the shadow of the Almighty. He shall say to the Lord, ‘You are my refuge and my stronghold, * my God in whom I put my trust.’”

When we can resist that which we are a slave to, when we can allow ourselves to dwell in the shelter of the Most High, when we can truly abide under God’s shadow and not want to stand in our own false light, then we will know what it is to have God as our refuge, our stronghold. It is then with trust in Him that we can lay down in green pastures knowing we are His.

Written by Chris Schaefer

Trusting in Him as I work to rest with God as my refuge and my stronghold.


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