Jesus Makes the Loaves of Bread Multiply, and the Boat Go Fast

AM Psalm 97, 99, [100] • PM Psalm 94, [95]
Jer. 17:19-27 • Rom. 7:13-25 • John 6:16-27

At the end of the day when Jesus fed the multitude, it was expected that Jesus would make an appearance at Capernaum, across the Sea of Galilee, the day after. For some reason, the apostles did not wait for Jesus, and began rowing to Capernaum. Half way across, Jesus appeared to them walking on the water. Jesus reassured them, that He was not a ghost. Thus reassured, the apostles helped Him get on board. To their astonishment they suddenly found that the boat had instantly arrived at the shore (saving them a lot of rowing!).

People who had attended the miraculous feeding of the previous day, showed up in Capernaum to hear Jesus. Jesus said: “You’re really here for the bread, aren’t you?” He then exhorts them:” Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you ”

Written by Tony Stankus

On his 72d birthday on March 9th, Tony Stankus will retire after 50 years as a university health sciences librarian. He is not above eating food that spoils, figuring that it would hurt the feelings of the St Spatula’s crew, and it won’t be much of an issue when he enters the columbarium. (Well, his estate may have to pay a carbon surtax.)


The Bread of Heaven


Building the Universal Church