So Get Going

AM Psalm 107:33-43 • PM Psalm 108:1-6 (7-13); 33
Exod. 2:23-3:15 • 1 Cor. 13:1-13 • Mark 9:14-29

Moses couldn’t get those sandals off fast enough. Minutes ago, he was minding Jethro’s flock. Suddenly he saw a flame in the middle of a bush but the bush was not burning. Curiosity got the best of him and he checked it out. That’s when he heard God’s voice, “Moses, Moses!”

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s back up a few verses in Exodus 2. The Israelites were still in bondage under a new Egyptian king. Life was very hard and they cried out in anguish. God heard the cries of His children, understood their suffering and reaffirmed his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Now, back to the barefooted Moses. God spoke to Moses, from the still-burning-but-not-burning bush. Moses respected God, removed his sandals, hid his face and listened to His every word. God assured Moses He had seen the Israelites’ oppression, heard their cries of injustice, and knew their pain. God then said: “I’ve come down to rescue them.”

Can we imagine Moses’ joy? Finally, after all these years, God was heading to Egypt to deliver His people from bondage! Surely Moses wondered why God stopped by to let him in on His plans. In chapter 3, verse 10, God explained. “So get going. I'm sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people . . . out of Egypt.”

Moses wanted to shout “WHAT? You're sending me? I thought you said YOU were going.” He responded a bit more tactfully but still questioned God’s plan. Working through Moses WAS God’s plan. Working through you and me is God’s plan today. He calls us, promises to be with us and empowers us to do His work. God’s work today is not unlike the work he had for Moses: “to do justice, embrace faithful love and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

One of our diners at St. Paul’s Community Meals last week put it into prospective as she whispered, “Thank you all so much for doing God’s work.” When we hear the voice of God calling our name and shouting “Get going,” let’s not hesitate to obey quickly and faithfully.

Written by Barbara Batson

Barbara is thankful for the many opportunities to worship and serve our community at St. Paul’s.


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