Reach Out and Touch Someone!

AM Psalm 119:145-176 • PM Psalm 128, 129, 130
Exod. 7:8-24 • 2 Cor. 2:14-3:6 • Mark 10:1-16

Feeling divorced right about now? Struggling with separation from the things you love—social gatherings, sporting events, Eucharist, even fishing on a lake? (The city closed them!) We live in a different world. Separation is the norm. Division from many of the things we love—the rule!!

In today’s Gospel, the crusty ol’ Pharisees test Jesus and ask for his opinion on divorce. Little do they know that Jesus does not think of divorce in terms of marriage but in terms of God’s original intent—the uniting of one with the other and with God!

As we read in Genesis, “it is not good for [one] to be alone.” Our isolation during this pandemic can be painful for many. But there is something profound in this, right? The invitation to find union in creative ways; the universal desire to be in communion again.

People are resourceful—a bus driver delivers lunch to children who cannot walk to the school cafeteria; individuals deliver groceries or make phone calls to the homebound; friends and family chat through facetime; “to go” meals are provided to the homeless; special shopping times are offered to the vulnerable; strangers pay for groceries for an underprivileged shopper; church services and communal gatherings continue online.

The good news is that in the midst of our divorce from the norm, God is present with us. In this difficult period, we can remain united with God and with each other by doing those small, creative things that touch lives in profound ways.

Written by Linda C. Jones

Linda has been an active member of St. Paul's since 2000. Currently she serves as Associate Verger, Chorister, Lay Reader, Eucharistic Minister, Vestry Member and Spatula Gal. Boy does she miss fishing right about now!!!


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