Lead with Love

AM Psalm 95 for the Invitatory, 102 • PM Psalm 107:1-32
Exod. 2:1-22 • 1 Cor. 12:27-13:3 • Mark 9:2-13

Each of us is given gifts according to the spirit and each of us is called to live out our vocation in love. As our letter writer this morning might exhort...

Are you an apostle? Be motivated in your mission by love.
Are you a prophet? Speak out the truth in love.
Are you a teacher? Share your understanding of love.
Do you work miracles? Act through the transforming power of love.
Do you have gifts of healing? Offer a balm of love.
Do you speak in tongues? Use the language of love.
Do you interpret? Use the lens of love.

We must start from the place of love in all that we do. Without love, all of our work is in vain. Love is divine. God is love. Love is the beginning and the end. Love is the very essence of all things.

Today, take a moment to center yourself in the presence of love. Invite yourself to love first and react second. See how this simple shift can change everything.

And yet, it’s a lot more challenging than it sounds. The minute things don’t go to plan, love slips away and our emotions step into its place. Know this, we can return to love again and again to anchor and guide us, to practice doing what is good, right, and important.

Written by Samantha Clare

Samantha is working on reclaiming a posture of prayerful study now that newborns are babies.


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