For God All Things Are Possible

AM Psalm 131, 132, [133] • PM Psalm 140, 142
Exod. 7:25-8:19 • 2 Cor. 3:7-18 • Mark 10:17-31

In the Book of Mark, a man approached Jesus and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” And as we read, Jesus responds first asking why he is called good, for no one alone is good except for the Lord. Second, Jesus instructs the man to follow the commandments (you shall not steal, you shall not murder, etc.). And third, should these conditions be met, one must sell all their possessions and give to the poor for the treasures in heaven will be great. The man, rich in material wealth, weeps for he has much on this Earth.

In Exodus, God speaks to Moses, stating that a plague shall engulf the land of Egypt should Pharaoh not let His people go. Aaron stretches out his hand over the waters of Egypt, and out came hordes of frogs taking up space in every part of Egypt. From the Palace to beds, bakeries and ovens, the plague claimed all of Egypt. And yet, even after informing Moses that his people would be free should the plague end, Pharaoh's heart hardened and he turned his back on his word.

In both readings, both men speak with God’s messengers asking what can be done to achieve salvation (or at least freedom from a plague). And when both are presented solutions, their hearts harden. Did not God show his glory and grace, even for a brief moment? Even then, did these solutions that would benefit thousands present themselves as burdensome? If we cannot come to understand the impact we can have on groups of people who are suffering, if we cannot change our lives for the good of the community, then what chance do we have at experiencing the wonders of heaven? God holds many abilities, from swaying pharaohs to uniting people together in love, compassion, and community. For God, all things are possible. We alone cannot do it, but together in faith and love of God most anything is possible.

Written by Danica Hawthorne

...who seeks to promote love, compassion, and community through volunteering and running for office.


Fragility and Journeying


Power, Rules, and Blessing