All That Glitters Is Not Gold

AM Psalm 18:1-20 • PM Psalm 18:21-50
Dan. 2:31-49 • 1 John 2:18-29 • Luke 3:1-14

In today’s old testament reading, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about a statue whose head was made of gold; chest and arms were made of silver; middle and thighs made of bronze; legs made of iron; and feet made partly of clay and partly of iron.

Years ago, I heard someone refer to “the clay feet of the church” when they learned about a church that was going through a scandal. I had never read the story of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Daniel’s interpretation of it, but I knew exactly what they meant.

Of course, the story in Daniel is more than the saying it has been reduced to, but I found it interesting to learn where the “clay feet” saying came from when assigned the reading for today. And to be reminded of all the times I have experienced the clay feet from the inside of that which I admired from the outside.

The expectations and awe that I place on a title or an institution have often left me disappointed, but with that disappointment comes this reminder from Daniel that we are all made of clay, and are all of us are only human after all.

Written by Kathy McGregor

...whose feet are definitely made of clay.


Shiny Stuff


Trusting in God’s Messages