And this steadfast belief and love of Mary Magdalene

AM Psalm 93, 98 • PM Psalm 66
Exod. 12:14-27 • 1 Cor. 15:1-11 • Mark 16:1-8

Our gospel reading for today is incomplete to say the least. Following verse 8 we read two different ending for the Gospel according to Mark. In the short ending we read “And all that had been proclaimed to THEM (Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome), they told to those around Peter”. And in the longer ending we read, “But when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by HER (Mary Magdalene), they would not believe it.” So, Mary Magdalene did go to the apostles and tell them. Rather than like our reading leads us to believe, “they (Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome) said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.”

One word I would NOT use for Mary Magdalene is AFRAID! Her strength and her love for Jesus is unparalleled throughout Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. The apostles flee, Mary Magdalene stands firm. She does not deny knowing Jesus. She stands with Jesus at the foot of the cross as mentioned in all four gospels. Mary was there at Jesus’ burial, as mentioned in three of the gospels. She is identified as being the one person, whether alone or with other women, that is the first to witness the Resurrection in all four gospels. And even more so it is Mary that Jesus entrusts to proclaim His resurrection to the apostles.

Whether the apostles believed her or not is not the point. Mary was there for Jesus through is teachings, passion, crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. She never wavered. “Hers (commitment) is clearly a demonstration of either the deepest human love or the highest spiritual understanding of what Jesus was teaching, perhaps both.” (The Meaning of Mary Magdalene, Cynthia Bourgeault)

While on this Easter Monday we remember the gospels we have listened to for the last week, this is one story that is not often told. Mary Magdalene is an example for all. We ask ourselves the question, Could I have been as steadfast as Mary? Do I have that kind of love, strength, and faith? Here is an example of the kind of faith we can truly emulate!

How would Mary’s love and faith affect us if we were to place ourselves in Mary’s shoes through the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection? Do we see ourselves with an amazing strength of faith and standing fast or do we see ourselves like the apostles fleeing and not believing?

Written by Chris Schaefer

Praying I would stand fast!


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