Announcements from Heaven

AM Psalm 38 • PM Psalm 119: 25-48
Exod. 19:16-25 • Col. 1:15-23 • Matt. 3:13-17

As I write this, it is Tuesday before Easter, almost the midpoint of Holy Week and I’m having trouble with my assigned Morning Reflection. You will not read this until after Easter, but all I can think about is Resurrection Sunday.

Why am I struggling with this writing? It should be an easy one. Could it be that I’m thinking too much about myself, what I want to say, how I want to say it?

In today’s gospel reading, we learn that Jesus came to his cousin John to be baptized. We can deliberate why Jesus wanted to be baptized. We can debate whether or not Jesus needed to be baptized. Let’s not. The important message in this scripture is simply that when Jesus was baptized, “Heaven opened up” and His Heavenly Father announced His love, approval and joy in His Son.

This was not the first time God had made a Heavenly Announcement expressing His love for His Son. In chapter 1 of Luke’s account, “God sent the angel Gabriel” to Mary with a life-changing miraculous annunciation (announcement): Mary was to become the mother of God’s Son. When Jesus was born, the Lord’s angel announced “good news-wonderful, joyous news” to a group of shepherds.

During this time of this year and because every Sunday is Resurrection Day, let us join Mary Magdalene in announcing “I’ve seen the Lord.” This announcement will bring us love, joy, peace and hope that we so desperately need right now.

Written by Barbara Batson

Barbara and her husband Paul love the welcoming, inviting spirit of the parishioners at St. Paul’s.


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