Offer an Olive Branch

AM Psalm 41, 52 • PM Psalm 44
Exod. 32:1-20 • Col. 3:18-4:6(7-18) • Matt. 5:1-10

It’s hard right now—working at home, hyper-sensitive to everything my elder cats do, wanting a place of refuge, wanting to do as before. By week’s end, I am irritable, quick to blurt out unkindness, ready to just, well—explode!!

Psalm 52 expresses my raw feelings and my unfortunate reactions:

“Your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor...You love every harmful word, O you deceitful tongue!”

I admit that I grow anxious as these days go by, that I project frustration on others rather than to ask God for guidance. Too often, I look at everything from my own perspective rather than from God’s. I know better. I know that in my life, God will attend to all that I need and will offer grace and blessings as God sees fit. But I have to have faith. I have to trust that my cats’ day-long stupors are normal; that the right person will be hired, regardless of my dug in heels; that the book review will be completed, despite disruptions left and right; that one day the lakes and campgrounds will reopen, but most importantly, that we will see each other again at St. Paul’s.

As the psalm ends:

“I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever. I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good.”

Everything that I need is with me now. Indeed, God promises that I will always have as I need. May I be still and remember God’s presence. Rather than offering sharp-edged words, may I please God and offer an olive branch instead.

Written by Linda C. Jones

Linda has been an active member of St. Paul's since 2000.


Huge Sin and Other Considerations


Wouldn't you rather be fishing?