The Ministry of Jesus Begins

AM Psalm 105:1-22 • PM Psalm 105:23-45
Exod. 24:1-18 • Col 2:8-23 • Matt. 4:12-17

When searching for this verse in Matthew, The New Living Translation titles this section as The Ministry of Jesus Begins ( It comes after Satan has tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness and before Jesus begins to gather his disciples.

Jesus has just spent 40 days and 40 nights fasting in the wilderness and he has just learned that his cousin, John, has been arrested. And what does Jesus do? He returns to Galilee, but “first to Nazareth” before settling in Capernaum near the sea of Galilee. The scripture goes on to assure us that this was to fulfill what God said through Isaiah. But I often wonder about the little bits and pieces that are added to scripture and ask, “why did the author want us to know this bit”? Today, I think we are called to consider the journey.

The fully human Jesus must be tired, lonely, hungry, worried, and thinking about what is yet to come. So, Jesus goes to home. I imagine he returns to his family, friends, routine, and to love. I can see Jesus being wrapped up in the arms of his mother, fed nourishing food, and allowed to rest. Jesus is home and surrounded by love and all that comes with it—comfort, safety, healing, and joy.

This is the little story that the author wants us to know. No matter what we have experienced, what we are going through, or what lies ahead, we can return to love—over and over again. When we return to Jesus, we will be wrapped in an unconditional love that will nourish our souls, heal our hurts, and give us rest.

Being loved in this way, we can continue our own journey and love others the way God loves us.

Written by Susie Norys

Wife, mom, and early childhood advocate. Currently reading The Church Cracked Open: Disruption, Decline, and New Hope for Beloved Community by Stephanie Spellers.


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