Editorial Lens

AM Psalm 41, 52 • PM Psalm 44
Exod. 32:1-20 • Col 3:18-4:6(7-18) • Matt. 5:1-10

As with many appointed readings, our psalm this morning offers an optional portion marked by parenthesis. In my first reading I only pulled up the compulsory portion which paints a picture of a faithful follower of God singing praises. I wondered, what do those other two verses say? And there it is, tucked away by punctuation, the less than cheery sentiment of the psalmist.

Why is it that those who set the lectionary chose, as they often do, to give us only the sunny and less challenging side of things?

Is this not something we are all accustomed to doing? I think about all the times that someone asks me how I am doing, and I respond thoughtlessly with “good.” What keeps me from sharing more deeply and honestly? When I share about my life on social media why do I post only the things that paint me and my life in a rosy shade?

Without the editorial lens, the psalms offer us a full expression of the human experience in relation to God, each other, and the world. This is a gift. It helps us today to orient ourselves to what it has meant to be faithful people across time and space.

In the same way, when we choose to remove the parenthesis from the presentation of our own lives, we invite our community to observe in us a whole and faithful person. When we know each other in this way we are all better for it.

Written by Samantha Clare

Samantha is working on remembering to be present and to breathe deeply.




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