On Anxiety

AM Psalm [70], 71 • PM Psalm 74
Lev. 19:26-37 • 2 Thess. 1:1-12 • Matt. 6:25-34

It seems to me to be a great honor to make a comment on the Sermon on the Mount as it appears in Matthew. It is springtime in Jesus’ world and we can almost feel the grass moving and the lilies swaying. This is near the beginning of his mission and Jesus is saying “do not be anxious about your life. We cannot by being anxious add one cubit to our span.” He also says “and do not be anxious about tomorrow.”

Perhaps one of my biggest concerns is anxiety and I think perhaps anxiety can become a habit. But Jesus says tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Instead, seek the kingdom of God. It wouldn't do any good for me to look up the word as I sometimes do, “anxiety,” in Aramaic. I get it.

It is springtime and I have lost some files on my computer. My sister has gone to the doctor’s. I think to myself: forgive the words I’ve learned like division, moments when no idea comes, dear Lord, forgive my winter mind. Look at the birds, the branches, and the closeness to nature of this entire beautiful spoken moment.

Written by Rebecca Newth

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