Joining the Seventy

AM Psalm 97, 99, [100] • PM Psalm 94, [95]
Ezek. 7:10-15,23b-27 • Heb. 6:13-20 • Luke 10:1-17

In our gospel reading today, Jesus commissions 70 followers to do his work. These were not his 12 disciples; these were the earliest version of what I believe we are called to be as ambassadors of Christ.

His instructions are simple but challenging. Leave behind the things you would be inclined to take for security. Stay focused on your mission (not even engaging people on the road). Lead with peace. To those who welcome you, accept their hospitality (even if it is not what you are used to), do God’s healing work in their lives. To those who do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet and leave them in God’s hands.

This leads me to ask myself how I approach being called. It challenges me on how often I rely on the things that make me feel “safe” and what I’m willing to leave behind to do God’s work. It reminds me to lead with peace wherever I go. It reminds me that I am called to meet people where they are, not just where I am comfortable. Most importantly, it reminds me to shake off the dust of those who do not have ears to hear and trust them to God’s unfailing love.

We are not called to debate people into submission. We are called to offer peace, healing, and the good news. We are called to share God’s love with those around us. The blessing is that the gospel does the work for us; for those who are seeking God it is as easy as offering a drink to someone who is thirsty.

Written by Dan Robinson

Dan Robinson is the Director of Media Ministries at St. Paul’s, overseeing the streaming of our services online.


Love and Faith Matter


Answering the Call...or Not