Lost and needing to be found

AM Psalm 26, 28 • PM Psalm 36, 39
Deut. 4:15-24 • 2 Cor. 1:12-22 • Luke 15:1-10

Have you ever lost something or someone? You are frustrated, and if the lost is a loved one there is also panic, and worry. I remember losing my young son in a department store many years ago. Some 35 years later, I still remember how my heart was beating so fast I couldn’t swallow; how my mind whirled to all the wrong places; how I stood at the door of panic; how my prayers were urgent and pleading. Holding back tears I wondered, was he okay? Where could he have gone? Then there was the relief when I found him hiding under a round clothing rack, his giggle gave him away. I laughed, I cried, I rejoiced, I said prayers of thanksgiving. I held him so close I could have squeezed the life out of him. The one thing I kept telling him was, “Please try to never do that again!”

Is that how Jesus feels when one of us is lost? I hope so and really, I think so. We have all been lost at one time or another, spiritually I mean. Maybe like my hiding son, we didn’t even realize we were lost. We might not know how lost we really are until we turn and see we have lost our connection with Jesus. Like the lost lamb in the parable or my lost son, we have lost sight of the one who is our strength and our shield.

This is when Jesus comes looking for us. We feel those little nudges to change course and to turn around. We get that feeling that we have to move, and we are not sure where, but it is definitely toward something. And that is when it hits us, we are definitely lost, and Jesus already knew it. We come out from under the round clothes rack and see Jesus waiting for us. He is there. He is ready to rejoice. He will carry us on His shoulders just like a lamb. He can strengthen us and shield us from everything that got us lost in the first place. There is a sigh of relief both from us and from Jesus. How did we get that far away; how did we get that lost? Jesus tells us, that’s okay I am here with you always. But please try to never do that again!

This is our prayer: “Blessed is the Lord! For He has heard the voice of my prayer. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I have been helped. Therefore, my heart dances for joy, and in my song will I praise him.”

Jesus, be our shepherd and carry us forever!

Written by Chris Schaefer

When I have been lost, I truly dance for joy when I am found! Hooray, Jesus!


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