God’s Plan for Us

AM Psalm 119:97-120 • PM Psalm 81, 82
Lev. 26:27-42 • Eph. 1:1-10 • Matt. 22:41-46

What is God’s plan for us? We ask ourselves that often throughout our lives, especially when it comes to marriage, jobs, and maybe just about any other pursuit. The answer to God’s plan for us is pretty simple — We are chosen by God (We really do not choose Him even though sometimes we think we do!) to be “holy and blameless before Him.”

That’s it! Holy is defined as “set apart.” Blameless is defined as “pure of heart.” Everything else is the “how.”

And Paul tells us the “how” here in Ephesians. We have been blessed in Christ with “every spiritual blessing.” Not just one or two but all of them! “The riches of His grace have been lavished on us.” Lavished makes me feel special! Lavished implies excess. Riches implies abundance. We are given an excess abundance of love, grace, and blessing. We were all reminded of this by Jesus Christ. He came to bring the message of all this love, grace, and blessing that we have always had but just didn’t see God standing there with His outstretched arms giving it to us.

This love, grace and blessing is for the here and now. They are the reality of our life NOW! We live in the spiritual reality of all this. This is God’s plan for us. All this does and doesn’t make life easier. Easier in that I know that no matter what, I am loved, blessed, and have abundant grace. Not easier in that I know that no matter what, I am loved, blessed, and have abundant grace.

C. S. Lewis said, “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal.” We are not ordinary! God has lavished us with all the riches He can give us. His love, His grace and His blessing are ours. It is all part of us. We don’t have to earn it, we already have been given this gift.

That’s the plan! We are set apart and are to be pure of heart. God said, “Here is the plan.” He didn’t say the plan was easy. We know that Jesus is a hard act to follow. And truly God knows we try! But let us just stand back from everything that makes it hard and take a deep breath. Let us take the time to find joy in this, and to do our happy dance. God’s plan is marvelous! God’s plan is for us right now, right here. Take joy in that. Take joy in the love, the grace and the blessing that makes you special, not ordinary but special. Because that is how God sees you. That’s why He made a plan for you.

Written by Chris Schaefer

Isn’t it wonderful to be special?


Ascension Day


The grain can’t take credit or blame for where it lands. But we all can improve the soil.