Celebrating the Visitation

Psalm 72 • 1 Samuel 1:1-20 • Hebrews 3:1-6

Psalm 146, 147 • Zechariah 2:10-13 • John 3:25-30

Oh, to have a king like the one described in Psalm 72!  It appears this Psalm was a prayer written by David for Solomon, but because his dad was aging, Solomon penned it and therefore some theologians refer to it as a Psalm of Solomon. It's a lovely impassioned writing. I felt curiously encouraged as I read this, in mid May 2020, while still grounded at home. 

The king described in this Psalm brings justice and righteousness to his people. He creates a peaceful land and defends the poor, the helpless and the most vulnerable. This king destroys cruelty and oppression. He lives forever. His people reverence him.

Ah, we have a king like that! 

Today as we Celebrate the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, let us be reminded of Gabriel's words to Mary in Luke 1, "You will give birth to a son and you will name him Jesus. He will be great and he will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of David his father... there will be no end to his kingdom. "

Jesus is that righteous king about whom David and Solomon spoke. This Psalm prophesied Jesus as the one who would bring peace, justice and mercy to all nations. Written by a king to a king and about the King of Kings, Psalm 72:18 asserts "Bless the Lord God, the God of Israel - the only one who does wondrous things!"

Written by Barbara Batson

Barbara, like you, looks forward to a cup of coffee and Sunday morning Bible Study with friends in Parish Hall, and returning to corporate worship at St. Paul's.


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