The Four Thousand

Psalm 61, 62 • Psalm 68:1-20 (21-23) 24-36
Eccles. 8:14-9:10 • Gal. 4:21-31 • Matt. 15:29-39

The story from the Gospel today describes Jesus feeding the four thousand. This was after he had fed the five thousand, yet I imagine many of his disciples still struggled to believe it was possible. The crowds he was feeding came to receive their own miracle. They spent days without food not expecting anything but the opportunity to be healed. They remained disciplined and kept their focus on God.

I have seen in my own life that if I put God first, things happen that I would’ve never thought possible. This is extremely difficult to do and COVID-19 has thrown off my spiritual rhythm, like I’m sure it has for many of you. When we stray from a godly mindset, life remains seemingly normal for a while. However, too much time spent focused on the wrong things takes a toll on every facet of life. So often we attribute our successes to ourselves, yet we must realize the role that God plays through mindset, relationship, and opportunity.

Trusting in the Lord, like that crowd did, not only helps you reach your goals, but brings unimaginable gifts. That crowd trusted they would be healed and were fed in the process. In striving for our purpose, God gives us nourishment. Even in times of suffering, our hunger is satisfied and God reveals His blessings on our life.

Choosing to truly put God first is to live life constantly amazed. I want to live life like the four thousand, following God with every ounce of my being and constantly amazed at the miracles before my eyes. In this time of uncertainty, I invite you to cling to that godly mindset and to be open to what comes from it. 

Written by Hadley Thomas

Hadley is currently a biochemistry student at Colorado School of Mines and hopes to attend medical school to become a Navy physician. She is passionate about her faith and is excited to share her perspective and interpretations with the amazing congregation of Saint Paul’s.


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