Creature Comforts

AM Psalm 78:1-39 • PM Psalm 78:40-72
Num. 11:1-23 • Rom. 1:16-25 • Matt. 17:22-27

My creature comfort is ice cream. When I was pregnant, I ate a scoop of ice cream every night. This spring, dreaming of a summer filled with sweet satiation and with a plan for a self-indulgent project while I am sequestered at home after my babies fall asleep, I bought myself an ice cream maker for Mother’s Day.

We all have things that we lust over. In the grand scheme of things there are far worse vices than a sweet tooth. Part of being human is to struggle with that which our impure heart’s desire, things that do not nourish but destroy our integrity as children of God. Now, I am not trying to say that eating ice cream is of the devil. But as with anything in this world, we must attend to whether our relationship with people or things brings us closer to the love of God or if it draws us away.

Is this bowl of ice cream a special treat or an easy fix to trick my brain into a chemical release it craves? Is this glass of wine a way to unwind at the end of the day or a way to numb feelings I don’t want to confront? Is this trash television relaxing after a day of stimulation work or a simple space filler to keep me from attending to other needs?

Our Epistle writer today implies that rather than seeking creature comforts we ought to worship and serve God our creator who is blessed. I don’t think this means to sit in prayer for all our lives long. Instead, I think it means to attend to the choices we make in a way that prioritizes our relationship to God, our neighbors, and ourselves. The creature comforts we seek ought to honor rather than degrade our beloved nature.

Written by Samantha Clare

Samantha is working on remembering to be present and to breathe deeply.


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