Juneteenth, Two Thousand and Twenty

Psalm 88 • Psalm 91, 92
Num. 13:1-3; 21-30 • Rom. 2:25—3: 8 • Matt. 18:21-35

In Psalm 88 I read the words:

Will your loving-kindness be declared in the place of the dead?
Your faithfulness in the land of destruction?
Will your wonders be known in the dark? 
Or your righteousness
in the country
where all is forgotten?

I believe the Psalmist is writing these words to God.

But today I really wonder...

Are these questions directed to God or to us?

In this place
In this land
In this darkness
In this country?

Written by Troy Schremmer

Troy works with preschool age children as an enrichment teacher in music and movement. He and his wife Jonny are both safe at home with their fifteen-year-old son and a seven-year-old dog.


The Renewal and Withering of American Experience


For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.