But Enough About Me

AM Psalm 82, 98 • Malachi 3:1-5 • John 3:22-30
PM Psalm 80 • Malachi 4:1-6 • Matthew 11:2-19

Today we honor the birth of Saint John who grew up to live as a hermit in the Judean wilderness, eating a diet of locusts and wild honey, clad in camel hair clothing.

In his late twenties John left the wilderness and began his ministry of preaching a message of repentance and baptizing folks in the Jordan River as a way of “preparing the way” for Jesus.

In today’s gospel reading I am struck by John’s message of selflessness— “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30), and how I might interpret John’s meaning of the scripture in my life. I could tell a story here, but I think there is no better interpretation of John’s message than from this intercessory prayer to John in The Way of Saints, by Tom Cowan:

 John, give me the strength to overcome my fear of “disappearing” — of not being recognized, admired, fawned over, the center of attention. We are so addicted to the attention we crave from others that to be quiet, humble, and unassuming can hold great terror. Help me to truly believe that others must increase and I must decrease, that God’s will must be done even if it means putting my own will on hold. Amen.

Written by Kathy McGregor

…but enough about me.


The Value of Humiliation

