The donkey said to Balaam, ‘What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?’

AM Psalm [120], 121, 122, 123
PM Psalm 124, 125, 126, [127]
Num. 22:21-38 • Rom. 7:1-12 • Matt. 21:23-32

Balaam’s donkey not only spoke but he had also seen the angel of the Lord, unlike his master. When the donkey speaks Balaam responds, “Because you made a fool of me!” Seriously, who is the fool here? Balaam is know speaking with a donkey that has not only recognized the angel of the Lord but is speaking!

Balaam is very unique. He is a prophet of God that is not an Israelite. He speaks God’s words to the Gentile leaders of Moab not Israel. He talks with donkeys and has angels appear to him. Now after I get finished chuckling about a talking donkey and a prophet that didn’t seem the least perturbed to be talking to him. There is a bit of wisdom here.

God guides us and speaks to us in the most unexpected ways. If my dog, Teddy, turned toward me and said, “Hey, mom, there is an angel over there with a sword in his hand”, I think I would be more dumbstruck by my talking dog than an angel with a sword. But it might make me realize that God has His own ways of talking to us and guiding us.

We expect God’s guidance when we are in individual prayer, in church, and maybe from those we know and trust. But what about those with whom we disagree? What about those that make us uncomfortable? What about from someplace we don’t completely trust?

Does this sound like our current climate? We surround ourselves with things and people that are familiar to us. That might even always agree with us. But then why wouldn’t God speak through the “other”? Those with whom we disagree, who make us uncomfortable, or who we don’t trust. Then when we realize that nugget of wisdom or guidance from that “other”? Well, all I can say is, “Who was the fool?”

God is not guided by us. He guides us through the best way for us to hear Him. That way is full of grace, God’s grace. By God’s grace we somehow learn to listen to the “other”. Balaam didn’t see the angel standing right in front of him. What is it that we don’t see standing right in front of us? Our ears will not hear the voice of a donkey but so more importantly the ears of our heart will hear the voice of God. Least expected and most surprised, we hear God all around us even where we least expect Him.

Written by Chris Schaefer

Trying to listen to everyone, everywhere with the ears of my heart.


The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul


Donkeys and Zonkeys