Ecce quam bonum

AM Psalm 131, 132, [133] • PM Psalm 134, 135
Num. 23:11-26 • Rom. 8:1-11 • Matt. 22:1-14

Behold how good. Psalm 133 permeates the culture of Sewanee: University of the South. EQB (ecce quam bonum) and YSR (Yea! Sewanee’s Right.) are everywhere. EQB describes an ethos and YSR cheers on athletic teams and names the love people have for Sewanee.

My four years of undergrad at Sewanee meant that Psalm 133 echoes in my ear often. Behold how good it is when siblings dwell in unity. It is a good, beautiful, and holy thing when we live in unity with one other.

I want to unpack the concept of unity especially as it relates to our Christian lives. Unity does not mean removing differences and conflict. Unity does not mean all people being the same, acting in the same ways, and agreeing on all matters. Unity does mean that we hold one another in mind in all we say and due. Unity is a mindset of mutual concern and care. The Body of Christ is a symbol of unity, and that body requires many parts and functions. The Body of Christ rejoices in difference as it celebrates the holiness of our unity.

May we go into the world today ready to be one with our neighbor. May we inhabit the world with a spirit of mutual concern. May we should love that helps us to behold how good…

Written by Adelyn Tyler-Williams

Adelyn attended Sewanee for undergrad and majored in Religious Studies before going to Seminary of the Southwest. She is a self-proclaimed church nerd! Fun fact: Adelyn was the Sewanee Tiger mascot during her freshman year.


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