Climb to Freedom

AM Psalm 33 • Ecclesiasticus 10:1-8,12-18 • James 5:7-10
PM Psalm 107:1-32 • Micah 4:1-5 • Revelation 21:1-7

For Americans of the United States, today is brimming with import, symbolism, and celebration:  picnics, speeches, fireworks — some of today’s pastimes that invoke patriotism, the love of, and loyalty to one’s country.  It seems tricky nowadays, what patriotism means to different people.  What am I loyal to?  Who am I loyal to?

The turbulent times of the present create anxiety, stir animosity, rankle sensitivities; however, a sense of calm came over me when reading from Micah about peace and security through obedience to God.  It speaks of many people from many nations walking toward the Lord’s house on the highest mountain, how they will beat their war tools of swords and spears into farming tools.  Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. 

If we set aside our cynicism  — if we help each other climb to the Lord’s house on that highest mountain — we will know tranquility and peace as individuals and as nations.  If we believe God’s promise, we’ll be able to lie by our gardens, sleep under the trees and no one will make us afraid

What a beautiful image —

For all the peoples walk,
each in the name of its god
[and] we will walk in the name of the Lord our God
forever and ever

Oh Lord!  Kindle in us the fire of your love — loyalty to your word!

Written by Bernadette Reda

Bernadette is a writer, mom, wife, grandmum, and communication scholar who finds inexhaustible joy and humor in her family, dogs, nature, music, and fixing broken things. She gives daily thanks for her St Paul’s community.


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